Mori Sushi Bar

Mori Sushi Bar maintains a bold and passionate attitude towards food, respecting and perfecting each element to bring out its full potential. At Mori, every dish translates this vision through its ingredients and taste sensation.
Rooted in tradition & utilising modern techniques, Mori strives to translate its passion into flavors.


Enjoy a 15% discount with the CSA-EUR membership card!



Mori Sushi Bar Rotterdam
Wilhelminakade 58
3072 AR Rotterdam

Mori Sushi Bar

Mori Sushi Bar maintains a bold and passionate attitude towards food, respecting and perfecting each element to bring out its full potential. At Mori, every dish translates this vision through its ingredients and taste sensation.
Rooted in tradition & utilising modern techniques, Mori strives to translate its passion into flavors.






Mori Sushi Bar Rotterdam
Wilhelminakade 58
3072 AR Rotterdam

Enjoy a 15% discount with the CSA-EUR membership card!

CSA-EUR Discount Policy

  • No separate payments.
  • CSA-EUR members can ONLY use discount when they can show their membership card.
  • Always bring your  CSA-EUR membership card! No copies/photos.