China in Focus Career Days 2020
Over the past decade, China has emerged to the origin of promising unicorn companies. These are local startups that are generating enormous wealth in their development. Most of these enterprises are in the vanguard of their industry and thus have the potential to generate future economic growth. How can this phenomenon be explained? Come and find out at the China in Focus Career Days.
China in Focus Career Days is our annual business event to bring together students, professionals, and companies who share an affinity for China and the Netherlands. Grab the opportunity to connect with companies such as Alibaba, Huawei, ING, PwC, and Tencent. For more information, please see the full program below. Come to learn, to experience and to network.
Time | Program |
9:30-10:00 | Reception |
10:00-10:50 | Grand Opening Ceremony with Cultural Act and Ron Keller (former China ambassador) as opening speaker |
10:50-11:30 | PwC - Foreign Investments by Maurits Vedder (Manager International Tax Services & China Business Group) |
11:30-12:10 | Tencent - "Tech for Good" by Jingsi He (International Finance Manager) |
12:10-13:15 | Networking lunch |
13:15-13:55 | Alibaba - Digital Transformation by Jack Peters (Business Development Director) |
13:55-14:35 | Huawei - Industry 4.0 by Gert-Jan van Eck (COO) & Richard Spaans (Head of Communications & Public Affairs) |
14:35-14:55 | Coffee Break |
14:55-15:35 | Xiaomi - AI and Internet of Things by Murphy Xu (Benelux Country Manager) |
15:35-16:15 | Panel Discussion: “What is the formula for entrepreneurial success in China?” |
16:15-16:30 | Closing Speech |
16:30-17:30 | Networking Drink |
Time | Program |
09:30-12:00 | Achmea (Advisory) |
10:00-12:00 | Grant Thornton (Cyber Security) |
12:00-13:00 | Networking lunch |
13:00-15:00 | Huawei (Innovation) |
13:00-15:00 | Rabobank (Finance) |
15:15-17:15 | KLM (Logistics) |
*Scroll down for more information on the workshops |
Time | Program |
13:00-17:00 | Field Trip to Schiphol: - Introduction to KLM - Coffee Break - Artificial Intelligence and Big Data Workshop - OCC Tour |
Wednesday, January 29
Congress Day - EUR Forumzaal
On the first day, you will learn more about the reasons for the tremendous growth rate of unicorns and China and how this could affect the world economy. At the end of the day, you will be given the opportunity to get to know the guest speakers from the companies in a more informal setting during the Networking Lunch and Drinks.
Thursday, January 30
Recruitment Day - EUR Faculty Club
On the second day, you have the opportunity to showcase your knowledge and skills to several companies. It is also the perfect way to get to know more about the company and its working environment.
Friday, January 31
In-house Day - Off-Campus
On the third day, there is an In-house Day to KLM. Our China in Focus Career Days will reach its climax on the off-campus In-house Day where selected participants will travel to Schiphol with KLM, to get an unique experience of working at the Operation Control Center. In addition, a look will be taken at the Flight Safety Simulation department and a workshop in Artificial Intelligence.
(Dutch/NL) Kom jij Achmea helpen met de burn-outepidemie?
Eén op de vijf Millenials ervaart dagelijks klachten die tot een burn-out kunnen leiden. Een grote prestatiedruk, 24/7 bereikbaar zijn en altijd ‘aan’ staan, zijn slechts een aantal van de vele oorzaken. Als we de cijfers mogen geloven zit Nederland inmiddels midden in een burn-outepidemie…
Achmea wil Nederland gezonder, veiliger en toekomstbestendiger maken. We vinden het daarom belangrijk om aan dit maatschappelijke vraagstuk bij te dragen. Maar welke rol heeft Achmea, als grootste verzekeraar van Nederland, hierin? Samen met jou willen we tijdens onze business case op zoek naar oplossingen om burn-out gerelateerde klachten onder Millenials sneller te signaleren en terug te dringen. We zijn benieuwd naar jouw advies! Jouw idee maakt zelfs kans om werkelijkheid te worden: opname in ons actuele programma ‘Welbevinden’ van Interpolis. Meld je snel aan en wellicht zien we elkaar tijdens ‘China in Focus’!
Grant Thornton
GDPR: #privacy vs #hacked - A day at the office
Uh oh. It is Friday afternoon and you get a call. ‘Something’ happened, and it involves data, but the details aren’t clear yet. What is next? In this workshop, the speakers from Grant Thornton will guide you through the necessary steps to help streamline your handling of incidents which may potentially be personal data breaches, just like at the office.
The session leads you from start to finish to the most important ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ when you potentially have a data breach at hand. Different phases will be discussed, including: discovery, further information gathering, legal assessments, decision which may or may not include notification strategy and the administrative logging. The grey areas of (being aware of) ‘real’ personal data breaches and high risks will be explored together in an interactive setting. How do you manage the process, cut through chaos, manage various stakeholders and short timelines? Come find out at this workshop designed to provide you with a pragmatic approach.