Lily's Bubble Tea

Enjoy your bubble tea at Lily’s Bubble Tea! The menu of Lily’s Bubble Tea consists of the widest variety of Bubble Tea in The Netherlands for example Lily’s Soybean Tofu, Panna Cotta drinks, Yoghurt Tea and much more. Visit their stores in Rotterdam, Delft and The Hague!


Enjoy a 25% discount with the CSA-EUR membership card at Lily’s Rotterdam and Delft and a 15% discount at Lily’s The Hague!



Rotterdam: Oppert 294,

3011 HV Rotterdam


Delft: Brabantse Turfmarkt 92

2611 CP Delft


The Hague: Prinsestraat 104

2513 CG Den Haag

Lily's Bubble Tea

Enjoy your bubble tea at Lily’s Bubble Tea! The menu of Lily’s Bubble Tea consists of the widest variety of Bubble Tea in The Netherlands for example Lily’s Soybean Tofu, Panna Cotta drinks, Yoghurt Tea and much more. Visit their stores in Rotterdam, Delft and The Hague!






Rotterdam: Oppert 294,

3011 HV Rotterdam


Delft: Brabantse Turfmarkt 92

2611 CP Delft


The Hague: Prinsestraat 104

2513 CG Den Haag

Enjoy a 25% discount with the CSA-EUR membership card at Lily’s Rotterdam and Delft and a 15% discount at Lily’s The Hague!

CSA-EUR Discount Policy

  • No separate payments.
  • CSA-EUR members can ONLY use discount when they can show their membership card.
  • Always bring your  CSA-EUR membership card! No copies/photos.