Serving as the Commissioner of External Affairs & Vice President has been a true joy and an incredibly rewarding experience for me. From the moment I assumed this role, I was able to take on a wide variety of responsibilities. Whether it’s learning how to become a more effective leader for my team or formulating strategies to acquire partner companies/sponsors, you will develop both your soft and hard skills extensively in this role. This role supervises the Career Events Committee, and one of the main highlights involves planning and executing CSA-EUR’s flagship event Career Days. Because of this, it’s an incredible learning experience to be able to supervise your team’s progress over 7-8 months for a singular event. I can guarantee that you’ll become super close with your team just because of the nature of how the Career Events Committee functions. I also loved working with my board members, engaging in insightful discussions on matters that have a direct impact on CSA-EUR’s strategic position for today and in the future. I would recommend this specific board position to anyone that is looking to develop skills in project management, leadership, effective communication, and further grow your general business acumen.
Bryan Chen
Interested in becoming part of the 22nd board of CSA-EUR? Apply directly for a position by clicking the button below!
Or schedule a Board for a day with one of our current Board members for more information!