I first joined CSA-EUR as an active member for the Study Trip Committee, that was a great experience both personally and professionally. I met so many nice people who I still see often. Because of this amazing experience I wanted to continue and join board. A board year is definitely something I would recommend anyone to do as part of their student life! It is not only offers a unique opportunity to develop invaluable leadership skills, you will also meet amazing people and can expand your network, make lasting impact and memories. It has been an enriching experience for me where I learned a lot.
As the President of CSA-EUR, I was able to meet a lot of amazing people in my committees (Study Trip and Lustrum Committee) and outside of my committees. I was able to grow my leadership skills and have a better understanding in what team I thrive. This was not only great personal development but also a great addition to my professional life. I was able to get practical insights and soft skills that helped me develop myself on both personal and professional level, such as project management, leadership and communication. My journey with CSA-EUR was an unforgettable experience with great memories which I would definitely recommend to anyone.